Thursday, March 22, 2007

Productive Mess

I just read that messy people such as myself may ACTUALLY be more productive than those who are "neat-niks", who may spend from one to four hours a day simply cleaning or tidying up.

Check it out here.

please note: Although mostly anything horizontal in my home becomes more of a "shelf" for things, I have to say the health dept. wont be coming by... my issue is with clutter, not with grime.

Friday, March 16, 2007


A friend of mine posted this & I cant help myself to do the same. Enjoy.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

You know the current president sucks when...

... among other things, items like this are made:

Yep, it's a keychain that counts down the days, hours, minutes and seconds until Bush is out of office. I tell you - whatever the number is right now it isnt soon enough.

(if you want to buy one for yourself, i found it here.)